Genealogy Courses

Genealogy Courses, Unofficial Guide to How to Find Your Family History on the No.1 Genealogy WebsiteThere are a range of genealogy courses on offer worldwide.  Some are free on the internet, some are courses run by Family History Societies, some are university courses.  Many of these courses are available to teach you basic skills for you to undertake your own research such as course run by Family History Societies, and diploma courses.  More specialised courses, such as university undergraduate and post-graduate degrees exist for people interested in becoming professional genealogists and historians.  This is a small sample of what is available.




  • Society of Australian Genealogists – SAG offers two level courses: Certificate in Genealogical Research and Diploma in Family Historical Studies.  An application process assesses whether you are suitable for the program and upon acceptance, payment of the course fee will be required
  • Family History Diploma – this course run by the University of Tasmania is a great entry-level course for people just starting out or for those who want to get more out of their research.  I highly recommend this course having recently completed this course – you can read about it here and here.
  • Genealogical Society of Queensland – based in Wishart, Brisbane, GSQ offers events, courses, and webinars throughout the year for a fee.
  • Queensland Family History Society – based in Gaythorne, Brisbane, QFHS offers courses and other events throughout the year for a fee.
  • Graduate Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Local, Family, and Applied History – this course run by the University of New England, New South Wales is for students with a university undergraduate bachelor degree to further their studies or change disciplines.  It also enables students to continue into a Masters or PhD program if they desire.  Fees are charged for this course.


United Kingdom


United StatesDesk computer notebook

  • Boston University – offers a Genealogical Essentials Course and a Certificate Program in Genealogical Research online for a fee.
  • Brigham Young University, Idaho – offers a fully online Family History Research Certificate which can be extended into Associate course for a fee.
  • National Genealogical Society – this society offers a range of courses, both of and online courses in American Genealogical Studies for a fee.
  • International Institute for Genealogical Studies – this site offers a range of courses from beginner to advanced in genealogical studies with regional-specific courses available.  Courses can be taken as a standalone subject with some being credited towards Certificate programs such as American Records Certificate, Australian Records Certificate, Irish Records Certificate.  Discount packages are also offered when selecting a number of courses.



  • Ancestry Academy – part of the Ancestry brand, Academy provides courses on just about any topic in genealogy that you think of with new content being added all the time.  You have unlimited access as part of your subscription.
  • OpenLearn – this website offers a range of free online courses in any subject you can imagine – genealogy, history, writing – have a browse and find something that meets your needs.