Genealogy Courses, Genealogy Resources

Diploma of Family History

Over the past 15 months, I’ve been undertaking the University of Tasmania’s (UTAS) Diploma of Family History.   Having done my own research off and on for many years, I considered myself quite knowledgeable.  I wasn’t sure how much I would get out of this course.  I have been pleasantly surprised with the new knowledge I have gained from the units.  Whilst I do know a lot about researching and finding resources I was reminded that there is always something new to learn.

This course is fully online and is very interactive.  I commence my last unit next week and will have to work out how to further my genealogy goals following its completion.  I really would like to make genealogy my full-time job but am aware of the limitations of this as a profession.

As with all university studies, there were plenty of assignments to be undertaken.  The two units I particularly enjoyed were Writing Family History and Writing the Family Saga.  I’ve decided that I’m going to add the stories I wrote as part of these units to my blog – so keep an eye out for these.  These were very short fiction stories that used people from my tree.  In this I utilised genealogical documentation – birth certificates, newspaper articles, war records etc. – and a knowledge of historical events to create a narrative around the individual.  I will never know the true stories of my ancestors but being able to weave a story around them based on the footprint they left behind I hope to bring them to life.


Head over to Stories Under the Tree to read some of the stories I wrote as part of this course.

2 thoughts on “Diploma of Family History

  1. The course you took at UTAS sounds very exciting. I love looking into my family history and could see a course like this being very interesting. The two assignments you talked about sounded very exciting. I would love to find out more of my family history as well. Your site is so very interesting, I can’t wait to see what you write next. What will your next topic be about? Keep up the great work.


    1. Hi Yvette

      I LOVED the course and am actually a bit sad I’ve finished it, although this blog is keeping me busy. I am glad you are enjoying my site and I sometimes don’t even know what my next topic is until I write it! I look forward to hearing how you go with your family research.


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