Book Reviews
Book Reviews, Genealogy Resources, Tips and Tricks

Book Review: How to Get More Family Tree Time

How to Get More Family Tree Time AUTHOR:  Megan Gibson PUBLISHER: Words for You ISBN: 9780980835205 GENRE:  Genealogy, Family History FORMAT: Paperback NUMBER OF PAGES:  115 pages PUBLICATION DATE:  September 2010   The Author Megan Gibson is a freelance researcher who undertook research for the Australian ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ Series.  She is also a published writer, editor…

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Pile of old photos - 19th Century Photographs Who is in the Photo
Photographs, Tips and Tricks

19th Century Photographs

  Finding a photo in your collection is always exciting, however, we don’t always know who is in the photo.  All of us would have photos in our collection that we are unable to identify.   This can be very frustrating.  If we are lucky enough our ancestors have written detailed information on the photo.  However, more often than not there…

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genealogy brick wall tips, genealogy brick wall solutions
Genealogy Resources, Tips and Tricks

Genealogy Brick Wall Tips

Sometimes, no matter what you try, your ancestor remains elusive.  Genealogists call this hitting a brick wall.  Today I want to give you some Genealogy Brick Wall Tips to help you with that stumbling block in your research.  I have personally hit a number of brick walls in my research, and have had to stop to process it to establish…

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Tips and Tricks

Click on a link to find a post or page relevant to you. An Introduction To Find My Past Vs Ancestry Genealogy: An Introduction Genealogy Brick Wall Tips Genealogy Websites How to Organise Your Genealogy Research How to Find My Ancestors