Today I just want to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas. At this time of year, we all take time out of our very busy lives to remember what is important to us – family, friends. The time spent together allows us to recharge and reconnect with our loved ones. Treasure them as you never know how long you will have them.
I want to dedicate Christmas 2017 to my Auntie Eileen.
Auntie Eileen
Eileen Walker was born on 28 January 1927 in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England. She was the eldest of two children to Howard and Dorcas Walker. She married in 1950 and had her daughter the following year. She died on 25 December 2007 leaving behind her daughter, and three grandchildren.

Auntie Eileen, it is 10 years today since you left us and we think about you every day. Your photo taken with my daughter on your last visit to Australia in 2002 hangs in the kitchen. My daughter said just this week how she wishes she remembered you because you sound like a really cool lady. I always remember you telling us that you were a born again teenager and you certainly lived up to that, jet-setting around the world in your 70’s with plans to visit us in 2008. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be and we received the sad news on Boxing Day 2007 that you had passed on Christmas Day. My daughter was devastated to learn, at just 8 years old, that people can indeed die on Christmas Day.
Thank you for being an awesome aunt, even though we lived so far apart. You were and still are often talked about and we remember the wonderful, caring lady you were. Merry Christmas Auntie Eileen.
Merry Christmas, stay safe and have an enjoyable day with your loved ones.
This is such a sweet post. I’m so sorry you lost your aunt, but it sounds like you were blessed to know her! The reality of death occurring on Christmas Day is so sad for your precious daughter. We need to treasure every moment with those we love and love those we have moments with! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
Hi Shelli
Thank you for reading. It was a sad realisation for my daughter to have but she is older now and is more accepting of that. We have wonderful memories of the times she spent with us, although for my daughter it is in photos and talking about Auntie Eileen as she doesn’t really remember her. It was sad she died before she met my son.
What an interesting website. Thank you to taking the time to share this with us. I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your sweet auntie on Christmas Day. It always seems to change the dynamic of our memories when something so altering occurs on a holiday that returns to us each year. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and were blessed by the family you have!
Hi Shelli
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. It was sad to lose Auntie Eileen at Christmas but we were blessed to have had her in our lives and to have left us with wonderful memories. I had a wonderful day with our small family for brunch. Did you have a lovely day?
Why does it seem we lose loved ones around the holidays? i feel this is a sadly all-too-common thing. But I love how you’ve memorialized your aunt and kept her a part of your family narrative. Hope you had a glorious christmas holiday and a happy new year!
Hi Penelope
I don’t think it is that we lose more around the holidays, I think because the holidays are meant to be a happy time spent with family and loved ones that we feel the loss more keenly. I had a lovely day with my family and was blessed to spend the time with them. I also made the decision to book our tickets to go to the UK next year so we can meet some of the family members I don’t remember so we create more memories with Auntie Eileen’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren! So excited for the journey preparing for the trip! Did you have a good Christmas break?
Christmas Day? Are you serious? I know it’s been 10 years but my condolences. Not only am I sorry about your loss, I am sorry that it happened on such a happy day. I appreciate you for sharing this.
Hi Lane
I know! A death around the holiday season is always hard but to occur on Christmas Day always seems even more tragic. We live with the thought that she knows she was loved and she died in her favourite chair watching TV. A peaceful death but sadly alone. She had lived a good life and was a month short of her 81st birthday. Thank you for your kind words.
Hi Megan. I’m sorry for your loss. Even though it’s been 10 years, which seems like an eternity, it feels like yesterday to those of us who have lost loved ones.
Hi Shalisha
Thank you. It helps that I know she had a good life and was well loved when she passed.
Megan, that was a wonderful post about your aunt. I am really sorry, that she passed on Christmas Day. Just when you want to here good news, you get the bad. I think that’s what makes us stronger, to endure what life throws at us.
Hi Fred
Thank you for your kind words. I focus on the fact that she knew she was loved, that she had an interesting life, that she was still globetrotting and seeking out adventure at such an elderly age. She was an amazing woman!