52 Ancestors 52 Weeks

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks – Week 49: Winter

The 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge for Week 49 is Winter.  Many people at this time of year are preparing for Christmas and the pictures we grew up on show scenes of snow, hot cooked lunch, and Santa.  In Australia it is a vastly different experience.


Week 49 – Winter


Reading by the Fire 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 49 WinterFor many in the world, winter signifies cold, and snow. It conjures up images of cosying up in front of the fireplace with a hot chocolate and a good book.  In many parts of Australia winter is mild compared to other parts of the world.  We quite often are walking around in the middle of the day in shorts and shirt, especially in the northern parts of the country.   I was a winter baby when I was born but now spend my birthdays in the Queensland humidity and heat.  My brother was a summer baby when he was born and now enjoys the cooler winter weather for his birthdays.


In Australia, we are heading into Christmas with plans for salads, cold meats, trifle, and pavlova to eat. This is all while doing our best to keep cool.  I know of many people who head to the beach. It is not unheard of to hear of young backpackers from the northern hemisphere munching on Hungry Jacks (Burger King to the rest of the world) whilst enjoying the ocean.  I will be envying those who are having what is deemed the traditional white Christmas.


White Christmas 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 49 Winter

I have always dreamed of having a white Christmas and it is definitely a bucket list item.   I always wonder how my ancestors felt their first Christmas after arriving in Australia.  The shock they would have felt at the difference in the environment.  Instead of cosying up around the fireplace with the family they would have been trying their hardest to keep cool.


I know that my grandma always insisted on a traditional hot Christmas dinner when it was too hot to eat.  I know that would have been passed down the family to her.  My mum and dad broke with tradition and I do not recall the last time I had a hot Christmas dinner.


Winter for me in Australia is enjoying the cooler weather, being able to put jeans and boots on, and maybe a jacket.  It’s about having a reprieve of the oppressive heat and humidity that we have in a Queensland summer.   One day I may even do an Aussie tradition of Christmas in July so we can enjoy all the trimmings of a winter Christmas.


Is your Christmas a summer or a winter Christmas?  Have you had a Christmas on the opposite side of the world?  How did you find it?  Tell me in the comments below.


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