52 Ancestors 52 Weeks

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks – Week 52: Resolutions

We are heading into another new year, 2018 is behind us, and as usual it has gone quickly.  The 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge this week is fittingly Resolutions.


Week 52 – Resolutions


Organise Your Genealogy ResearchI will admit I had much greater aspirations for my genealogy and blogging in 2018.  It started out well, I was on track, and then life happened.  Dad, who had been deteriorating for awhile, became suddenly unwell.  We made the heartbreaking decision to say goodbye to him.  This is about when the wheels started falling off on my genealogy and blogging aspirations.


Just two months after dad died we went on our much anticipated trip to the UK, however, in the lead up there was paperwork, packing up his home, and settling mum into a new normal.  I was trying to work, be a mum, be a daughter, sort legal and logistics of a death, and blog.


Many of my posts in the months since his death have not been anywhere near as good as I would have liked.  I continued on regardless in the hope that one day it would start flowing again.  I have made it to the end of the year and am looking forward to 2019.



My 2019 Resolutions

2019 New Years Resolutions 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

To be easy on myself and to not put too much pressure to do everything.


To step back and take care of myself and do what I can and not beat myself up for what I cannot do.


I will slowly declutter my home and remove what is no longer serving me and making me happy (does moody teenage boy fit in this category! Just kidding I love him to pieces but moody teenage boys are not fun!)


I will keep working on my Genealogy Do-Over and sorting my digital files.  I will slowly start sorting through the numerous boxes that have accumulated since dad’s death to decide what is worth keeping for my genealogy research.


I will attend conferences or seminars that interest me and not feel guilty about spending time doing things I love.


What are your 2019 New Year Resolutions?  Tell me in the comments.




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