Fremantle Prison, Convict Establishment, Australian Convicts
Convicts, Names of Interest, The Lives of the Tree

George Brand: A Convict Success Story – Part 4

A Western Australian Convict On 2 February 1855 George departed for Western Australia with 224 other convicts onboard the “Stag”, which sailed from London with Surgeon Superintendent Caldwell on board.1,2,,3,4  They arrived in Fremantle on 23 May 1855, the fourteenth convict ship to arrive on its shores.1,,2,,3 The Swan River Settlement in Western Australia was founded by free settlers on…

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Genealogy Journey, First Fish, Grandma
The Lives of the Tree

My Genealogy Journey

For many years my ancestors have held great interest for me.  I don’t know whether it was because we lived on the opposite side of the world to my dad’s English family.  Or because we lived on the opposite side of Australia to my mum’s family.  Whatever it is I have always wanted to know more.  Whenever I journeyed to Perth…

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