52 Ancestors 52 Weeks

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks – Week 45: Bearded

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Week 45 Bearded

Each November the amount of facial hair on the males of the population seems to explode, after all it is “Movember”.  This weeks challenge in 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, is featuring ancestors who donned a beard.  Some men seem to love the beard, some love the clean shave – the popularity of each seems to change over the years.  Some men just love to see how far it can grow.





Week 45 – Bearded


I never knew my grandfather, Jim “Byro” Newman due to a family estrangement.  However, I remember the little mum used to talk about was about his long straggly beard.  I never saw a photo of him until one day a cousin we had never met got in contact with me.  She forwarded some newspaper articles about him.  He did indeed have a long, straggly beard.

Albert James Byro Newman Newspaper Article Biro Jim gets a lucky break by Frazer Guild


Do you have any ancestors who liked to sport a beard?  Share their stories in the comments below.



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